Friday, July 31, 2020

Three minute video that maybe won an Oscar

My cruise friend from the US sent me this video.  She said it won an Oscar for best animated movie.  I can't find anywhere online where it did, but maybe she is right.  Even if it didn't win an Oscar, I thought it gave a wonderful uplifting message!  Enjoy.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

I love Puns....

All put together in a nice video.  I want to visit Indian Hills, but it's a long drive.  Someone has a great sense of humour.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I've always enjoyed reading David Frum

This article was written by David Frum, a Canadian born journalist who lives in the US and writes for The Atlantic.  I always enjoy his work.  David's mom was the late Barbara Frum, a former journalist on the CBC.  I loved her interviews.  David moved to Washington and was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush.  He's a senior editor at The Atlantic and a frequent contributor on MSNBC.  

It's great to hear how a Canadian returning to Canada is treated at the US/Canada border.  It's even better to hear about the follow up!  When you see a foreign license plate in Canada, they could be Canadians, living in the US coming home.  Apparently a lot of dual citizens have returned to Canada.

I reached the Canadian border on the Fourth of July.

Usually, the Thousand Islands crossing station between New York and Ontario is busy on summer weekends. Not this time. Eight of the nine lanes were closed, and only one car waited ahead of me in the single open queue.

Despite the light traffic, I waited a while for my inspection—and when it was my turn, the car behind me waited a while too. In mask and gloves, an official inspected my Canadian birth certificate, asked whether I was transporting any weapons, then probed my plans for the 14 days of self-isolation required after entering Canada.

What would I do for groceries?

How would I walk my two dogs on the trip?

Did I understand Ontario’s masking rules?

At what phone number could I be reached during my self-isolation?

Over the next two weeks, that number would receive texts, robocalls, and a live call from Canadian health services. The robocalls delivered motivational messages. They thanked me for keeping Canada safe. After the midpoint of the isolation, they cheerfully ticked off the remaining days: Only four to go! Only three! Only two! The live calls—my wife and I each got one—focused more on our well-being. Did we have enough food? Were we lonely or depressed? Did we need anyone to deliver anything to us? (I’m pleased to report that the caller I spoke with was a reader of The Atlantic.)

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Update on our Mayor

In my recent blog, I talked about the Mayor of our city.  I know more but decided not to make it personal about him.

He is 77 years old.  He's had two strokes in the last two years he's been mayor.  The press mistakenly said he had stroke like systems, went to Surrey Hospital and was transferred to UBC two weeks ago.  He didn't go to these hospitals, but went another local hospital and had a stroke.  Probably a misdirection in case any journalist tried to get more information.  I am sorry he's not well, but I think it's time he stepped aside until his health improves.

Today I received an email that I will share:
This was sent out to all media yesterday

 On July 17 at approximately 15h00, Doug McCallum, driving his large white Buick SUV, rear ended the vehicle of a Surrey lady resident at the corner of 148 Street and 16 Avenue while she was waiting to turn into 148. No major damage was sustained by either vehicle but the impact was sufficient enough to cause the Surrey lady driver to impact her head with her rear-view mirror causing her enough injury to daze her, give her an immediate painful throbbing head and neck, and for her to have a significant headache ever since. The police were not called to the scene. 

McCallum enquired if the lady had been injured to which she replied that she had impacted the rear-view mirror and that she had a very painful head. McCallum replied "accidents will happen" not really caring whether she had an injury or not or if he could help her in any way. McCallum wrote his name (misspelled) together with his drivers license number onto an envelope, then got into his car and left the scene.

The lady reported the incident to ICBC virtually immediately, but McCallum has allegedly not yet done so. The lady reported the incident to the Surrey RCMP and has a case file number. 

 It is the second rear ender that McCallum has had in 9 months

 This then begs the questions:

  1. Is McCallum legally, or medically qualified to drive after having had a "significant (brain) health event" just one week prior, resulting in him being hospitallized?
  2. Was his attention level and judgement impaired by perhaps being on some prescription drug or by some other influence?
  3. Was he perhaps talking on a cell phone resulting in him driving distractedly? 
  4. Is he now a danger on the road who needs his license to be taken away before he kills somebody?
  5. Etc.

Due to the fact that McCallum's most non-beloved police force, the RCMP, were not called by him to the scene, we will probably never know the answers. 

Ivan Michael Scott


Mayor McCallum has a DUI and that's why he's not happy with the RCMP.  I hope he didn't have alcohol in his system with this happened.  We will never know.  He wants control of police so the next time he's pulled over or tells a developer of in camera information discussed at City Hall he won't be investigated!

Doug McCallum has failed the voters of Surrey by being an undemocratic, autocratic, erratic and malevolent Mayor. His support of a new police force is based upon revenge for being pulled over for DUI. His decision to go with a municipal force is not based upon the needs or wants of Surrey voters, which he continues to not only ignore, but hatefully spurn. The level of citizen engagement on the issue of the police force has been nothing put a public realtions manuever.  We the voters have yet to be told how much this new force will cost. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

I'm so old.....
































Thursday, July 23, 2020

Municipal politics

I've blogged before of my displeasure of replacing the RCMP with a municipal police force.  It appears our provincial government isn't listening to the citizens of Surrey.

On February 14, 40 boxes of signatures were delivered to the offices of Premier John Horgan.  We now have 50,000+ signatures asking for a referendum in replacing the police force.   Mayor McCallum received 45,484 votes in the last election so we have move signatures for a referendum that he received votes.  The Province of B C continues to ignore the citizens.  

I've personally emailed my MLA, Mike Farnsworth, Minister of Public Safety and the Premier.  I've never received an answer from any of them!

Today I received this in my mail.  It was sent to every house in Surrey.  It shows 83% of Surrey residents disagree with the change.  

The Mayor is trying to get the money for the transition at the expense of the homeless, delaying the Skytrain extension, and cancelling approved community facilities. The brochure left off the Cloverdale Ice Rink that he axed the day after he was elected!  None of the facilities in Surrey have reopened after we moved to Stage 3 of Covid-19.  We don't have community centers or libraries!  All the staff have been laid off and he's saving a lot of money at the expense of our youth!

This week's Cloverdale Reporter reported one business property tax bill was up 190% over last year.

On June 25 at a closed door meeting, Mayor McCallum axed the Board of The Surrey Homeless Society.  This society feeds the homeless with donations from the community.  He tried to have the $11,000,000 in charity funds transferred to the city.  The account has been frozen by the financial institute!  He is trying to sell city land to pay for this change that 83% of the citizens don't want at this time of financial uncertainty.  

Council meetings are virtual and if you call in and he doesn't like your question, he disconnects the calls!   No one can ask questions and there is no accountability!

Councillor Linda Annis charges that the mayor is “abusing” the in-camera process to side-step transparency and public discussion.

“It’s becoming clear to all of us on council that whenever the mayor wants to pass something controversial without discussion, transparency or public input, he slides it into an in camera session of council,” Annis said. “He knows that once we are in camera our hands our tied and we can’t say anything publicly.

“The fact that I can’t even mention some of the things he’s brought to these behind-closed-doors sessions tells the real story and more often than not, he’s adding things to the meeting agenda at the very last minute without any notice,” Annis said.

“But, the minute the doors are closed, we can’t say a word publicly. It’s no way to run an open government and it’s certainly no way to treat Surrey residents. City business was never meant to be done in secret.”

What's happening in our city is disturbing and it's time our Provincial Government got involved!

On Saturday the Keep The RCMP in Surrey volunteers are giving out more lawn signs at the YMCA close to me.

On Monday night they plan another car rally around City Hall.  Monday is the last meeting of the City Council before the summer break.  The meetings are all virtual and last Monday the car horns from the rally were heard by the 50 cars that paraded around the block.  On Monday they expect many more citizens to drive past the City Hall.   I watch the virutual council meetings online!

Why the Province is ignoring the citizens of Surrey is puzzling and hopefully someone will listen.  All we ask for is a referendum which is the democratic way for such a huge expenditure!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

All I want for Christmas???

Three weeks ago, I had a bad fall.  In front of our home, on the sidewalk, I tripped.  There was nothing wrong with the sidewalk, I didn't lift my foot high enough.  I had on my brand new Vionic walkers and the soles are thick. 

We were going out and Cec wanted to show me something in the front garden.  I fell so fast, I didn't have time to react.  Cec watched me go down but he was too far away to help me.  

Thankfully, I didn't break any bones!  However, I had bruising all over.  My face was heavily scraped and bloody and looked like I was in a bar fight.  I had cuts inside and outside my mouth.  My front tooth was chipped and the pain in my chin and gums was horrible.  I kept telling myself, arms, legs and phone are fine, you are fortunate!

Yesterday I went to the dentist.  I waited until the scars healed.  Lots of rules for going to the dentist.  I must say I felt safe.  They were in hazmat suits complete with blue booties.  Goggles, masks and face shields.  They have a new ventilation system that is super noisy.  Trying to listen to what my wonderful dentist was saying was hard.  

I chipped two teeth, not one.  My two front teeth are full of hairline fractures and may turn brown.  If they do, it's root canals and crowns.  I just have to wait.

I've had problems eating but it is getting better.  Corn on the cob and apples will be eaten differently.  I know how hockey players feel.  

I always try to look at the positive side and I am so thankful I didn't break any bones!   Bruises fade and teeth are easily repaired.  Oh yes, I've lost five pounds and Cec checked and I didn't damage the sidewalk! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Princess Beatrice weds

I was thrilled to hear she married on Friday.  I'm glad they kept it private and quiet.  There are no pictures of Prince Andrew or Sarah Ferguson.   Princess Beatrice recycled a dress worn by Queen Elizabeth.  They added clear puffy sleeves and fitted it to her.  She looks amazing!

Here is the story of this historic tiara:

In 1919, Queen Mary asked the London jewelers House of Garrard to turn a necklace into a tiara. That necklace had a special significance: It had been gifted to Mary by Queen Victoria, who had received it as a wedding gift in 1893. Garrard made a diadem comprised of 47 tapered diamond bars. The design was influenced by a Russian kokoshnik, an ornate halo-shaped headdress worn by women of the country’s imperial court. (Though, true to British sensibility, this one was much simpler than those donned by the recently overthrown Romanovs.)

In 1936, Queen Mary passed it on to Queen Elizabeth (now referred to as the “Queen Mother”). Eleven years later, the Queen Mother lent it to her daughter, the then Princess Elizabeth, for a very special occasion: her wedding to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.

It’s then that the tiara had its most famous—and infamous—moment. Before Elizabeth was due to walk down the aisle, it snapped. Luckily, a court jeweler quickly mended the rare piece.

In 1973, the Queen Mother loaned the tiara for another royal wedding—that of her granddaughter Princess Anne. An estimated 500 million people watched the Westminster Abbey ceremony to Mark Phillips. And, just like her mother before her, Queen Elizabeth extended the same offer to her own granddaughter, Princess Beatrice. Now, an emotional connection to five Windsor women lives on.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Target husbands

Every now and again, I see a video that cracks me up.  This one is really funny.  I wish I had a "Target Husband", but he loves to shop with me.  He can always find the hardware or fishing section and I usually have to find him!


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Happy Saturday

I love this picture.  It was taken by my next door neighbour.  She was driving on King George Blvd. and her passenger snapped the picture at a traffic light.  They spend half the year in Arizona and is concerned about the US license plates she sees.  I thought that was a great sticker and I hope they are available to all the Canadians who are here with U S license plates.  

Yesterday we went to Metrotown.  I didn't realize it opens now at 11 and wondered why so many stores were closed.  Good thing we got there at 10:50.  90% of the people, including us, were wearing masks.  It wasn't busy and nice to walk around a mall.

We went to Earl's at Metrotown for lunch.  A warning, don't use the "pay at the table" QR Code.  The techie me, decided to try it.  It took me to a gaming site that if I had my glasses on, I may have realized a little quicker.  Long story short, they have my credit card number and I called Royal Bank.  The fellow was very familiar with this company and said "let's give you a new card and disable this one right now!".  I was thrilled.  Good thing for many cards.  I still wonder if someone covered the Earls QR code as it didn't take me to Earls website!   

This is my favorite picture this week.  YES for woman power!

  • At 5 PM, open a bottle of wine
  • Can you smell it?
  • If yes, pour some in a glass and taste it.
  • If you can taste it, you are GOOD!
  • Now, celebrate and drink the rest!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Be kind

As the Dalai Lama says, every day we should try to do a spontaneous act of kindness small or large.  It offsets the negative balance of the universe and increases your own sense of goodness.

The man who gave the shoes off his feet to this homeless girl.

This motorcyclist who stopped to help an old woman pass safely.

This barber, who offers haircuts for the price of a single hug.

Consolation knows no color

The police officer who handcuffed himself to a woman to make sure she knew she'd have to take him with her.

The many people who helped make this boy's dream come true.

This dog owner who mourned by giving.

This store employee who gives extra service.

 The person who decided to put new tires on a stranger's car just because he needed it.

   The crowd who decided a fan should be able to watch the show, no matter what.

 This dry cleaning place that helps the unemployed for free.

 These kids helping an injured member of their rival team to score.

 The man who played for fun and gave his winnings  away.

 This man who missed his train helping this older lady with her bags.

 This man who gave something to a homeless man no one gives - something to occupy his mind.

And Dan, a man who, twice a week, buys coffee for every patient, nurse and doctor at local cancer centers.

The people at the animal hospital, knowing how hard it is to say goodbye.

This man who gave his umbrella away so this cat could have a dry night.

The  paramedics.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wise words from Dr. Bonnie Henry

🙌BC's Dr. Bonnie Henry's Notes to all of us 🙌

1. We may have to live with C19 for months or years. Let's not deny it or panic. Let's not make our lives useless. Let's learn to live with this fact.
2. You can't destroy C19 viruses that have penetrated cell walls, by drinking gallons of hot water - you'll just go to the bathroom more often.
3. Washing hands and maintaining a two-metre physical distance is the best method for your protection.
4. If you don't have a C19 patient at home, there's no need to disinfect the surfaces at your house.
5. Packaged cargo, gas pumps, shopping carts and ATMs do not cause infection. If you wash your hands, live your life as usual.
6. C19 is not a food infection. It is associated with drops of infection like the 'flu. There is no demonstrated risk that C19 is transmitted by food.
7. You can lose your sense of smell with a lot of allergies and viral infections. This is only a non-specific symptom of C19.
8. Once at home, you don't need to change your clothes urgently and go shower! Purity is a virtue, paranoia is not!
9. The C19 virus doesn't hang in the air for long. This is a respiratory droplet infection that requires close contact.
10. The air is clean, you can walk through the gardens and through parks (just keeping your physical protection distance).
11. It is sufficient to use normal soap against C19, not antibacterial soap. This is a virus, not a bacteria.
12. You don't have to worry about your food orders. But you can heat it all up in the microwave, if you wish.
13. The chances of bringing C19 home with your shoes is like being struck by lightning twice in a day. I've been working against viruses for 20 years — drop infections don't spread like that!
14. You can't be protected from the virus by taking vinegar, sugarcane juice and ginger! These are for immunity not a cure.
15. Wearing a mask for long periods interferes with your breathing and oxygen levels. Wear it only in crowds.
16. Wearing gloves is also a bad idea; the virus can accumulate into the glove and be easily transmitted if you touch your face. Better just to wash your hands regularly. Immunity is greatly weakened by always staying in a sterile environment. Even if you eat immune boosting foods, please go out of your house regularly to any park/beach. Immunity is increased by EXPOSURE TO PATHOGENS, not by sitting at home and consuming fried/ spicy/sugary food and aerated drinks.
Be smart and stay informed!
Live life sensibly and to the fullest.—
Be Kind
Be Calm
and Be Safe
Dr Bonnie Henry 

💜 I love level-headed people. Stay sane, and carry on.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Where are the cruise ships?

This is a map of the ships off the coast of Manila!  These ships still have crew on board.  I just read the Queen Elizabeth is sailing to Southampton.  I checked my favorite ship locator website and see there are more Princess ships off the coast of Cypress.   Cunard have positioned their three Queen's off the UK.

If you want to locate any ships, here is the website:

I think it's going to be a long time before ships start accepting passengers again.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

COVID-19 Update it's all around us

Yesterday's update from the Province of British Columbia:
(population 5,071,636)
COVID-19 update: 21 new cases for a total of 3115. No new outbreaks. Interior Health has issued an isolation order for Krazy Cherry Fruit Co. in Oliver, and alerts for community exposure events in the Kelowna downtown and waterfront area between June 25 and July 9. As much as possible, British Columbians are asked to avoid closed spaces, crowds and close contact with others:

That's double the cases we've been experiencing.  
Two weeks ago we were in single digits every day.  People are being complacent.   

Yesterday's update from Province of Alberta (population 4,428,427) 

Last updated July 13, 2020 3:30 p.m.

July 12, 80 new cases  Total cases 8,826, 161 deaths, 7989 recovered

Yesterday's update from Washington State (population 7,615,000) 

July 12, new cases 1,101  Total cases 43,265  Deaths 1,439

BC is doing very well compared to our neighbours to east and south.

We had relatives from Edmonton ask if they could come in August and stay with us.  When I went on the Government of Alberta website, I found they are still in Stage 2 and non-essential travel is not recommended.  Now they weren't planning on coming until August, but Alberta has many more daily cases as we have.  They emailed and they've decided not to visit.  I am very relieved as I don't want people staying with us at this time.  

I see many Alberta license plates when we drive around Surrey.  Apparently in the Okanagan and Kootenays there are many out of province visitors.  I know the BC Government cancelled all the out of province reservations at BC campsites.  It was an excellent move so BC families could obtain a campsite and stay close to home.  I hope people start taking this seriously! 

Tomorrow I'm going to the Chiropractor for the first time.  I've filled out his medical questionnaire and will text when I am in the parking lot.  Of course I will wear a mask.

Next week I'm off to my dentist.  I haven't been given the rules yet, but I'm sure it will be very safe.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Who would be king of Canada

This is video quite interesting.  If you want to know what if back in 1867 Canada decided to establish an independent monarchy instead of just sharing one with the United Kingdom, enjoy this video.  It's interesting and well done.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday funnies

Some of these are repeats, but they are always funny.  Everyone needs a laugh!


  We moved to Steveston in 1976 and lived there for 34 years.  We had a house built in a new area because it was the cheapest place to build...