Friday, September 29, 2017

Aftermath of the three hurricanes

Do not believe the tweets and news coming out of Washington, DC saying all is good on these islands!  If you want to hear the truth, go to CNN and listen to the interview with the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico.  People are dying as the provisions are not getting to the people.  They have been dropped off but it ends there. There is no electricity so hospitals can't function.  A few hospitals are running on generators but these do not give hospital equipment full service!  After the earthquake in Haiti 8,000 soldiers were on the ground 48 hours after.  One week after the hurricane hit San Juan they sent 2,000.  One week to get 2,000 and now they've sent another 8,000!  Too little and far too late!  Don't get your news from Facebook or Twitter!

I applaud Norwegian and Royal Caribbean Cruise lines for their continued assistance.  Royal Caribbean have cancelled cruises and dedicated the Adventure of the Seas to hurricane relief.  They've evacuated 1700 people and are returning to evacuate more desperate people.  I love all these islands.  I've visited them and know the people are wonderful and they rely on tourism.  I pray these people get the water, electricity and help they need.

Ports that are still closed to tourism:
Grand Turk
San Juan, Puerto Rico
St. Thomas
St. Croix
St. Barts
St Maarten

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...