Friday, December 21, 2018

Letters to Santa - the best ones!

Today Carol and I finished the local letters sent to Santa.  It's so interesting every year to read what children write.  I won the "greediest list", 101 gift requests a boy from Burnaby asked for.  He started on a word processor and then ended up adding two more hand written pages!

Here are some of the letters received in Cloverdale:

Some letters just break your heart.  Thanks to Carol we sent these two girls a very nice reply.  They live in sad.
What a great letter from a 12 year old!

This child is truthful!

I loved the P.S.!!!  I'm sure the baby reindeer will love the soothers.
1st request, money for the BC Children's Hospital!
If anyone knows Morgan, we couldn't reply as there was no return address on the card!

This is what makes it all worth while.
We forward these letters to the co-coordinator to share with all the volunteers!

It's time for Aunty Acid