Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Social Media

I enjoy social media.  I read Twitter and Facebook throughout the day and find both sites quite entertaining.  I followed Donald Trump on Twitter for a long time. Lately his tweets calling other people bullying names and last weekend what he said about the late John McClain was the last straw.  I stopped following him but continue to follow others who post uplifting or newsworthy tweets.  I love the cute animal videos, pictures of friends and relatives and even breaking news.

I just watched a video on Twitter of a Surrey RCMP officer who pulled over his car, approach some students on spring break playing basketball.  He joined in!  The Peace Arch News found this newsworthy and it is in our local paper.

I also watched Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand with a hijab on, give a grieving Muslim woman the longest hug.  These tweets make me see what wonderful people there are around the world.

Then I see this.....

This is a retweet of a message sent to Cindy McCain the wife of the late John McCain.  When I read tweets like this I see how hateful and disgusting people can be:

I want to make sure all of you could see how kind and loving a stranger can be. I’m posting her note for her family and friends could see.
Everyone has their right to an opinion, but crude language and messages like this should be blocked and their accounts cancelled.  Sometimes I wonder if social media is really good. 

Bill & Haley

If you watched the CTV Vancouver evening news, you would have seen the Bill and Haley love story. I've known Bill and Haley for years.  ...