Saturday, April 20, 2019

Price of gas in Vancouver!

It's down to 1.699 at the stations right by us!
We all complain about the price of gas/petrol.  We've been filling up in the US for years.  We live close to the border so it's not far out of our way.  Our $50 five year Nexus pass is one of the best investments we've made.  The price difference is just too much not to go south.  On Tuesday, before the Alberta election results were announced, I decided I would fill up.  I drive a large SUV that uses a lot of gas.  I still had a 1/4 tank but rain was coming and so was the long weekend.  I'm glad I didn't wait until Friday as the lineups at the border exceeded three hours and the Nexus line was blocked with travellers trying to get ahead in the Nexus lane.  This happens most long weekends but this was exceptionally bad.

On Tuesday I had nine people coming for dinner and I only had time after school to get gas.  I didn't go to Costco in Bellingham: their price was US$3.25 a US Gallon and it was US$3.59 in Blaine.  I put 52 litres (13.894 US gallons) in my tank.  The price on our Visa in Canadian Dollars was $68.00.  If I filled it up close to home I would have paid $1.699 a litre or $87.88.  That's almost $20 a tank, $1,000 a year or more I save by driving 15 kms out of my way!  I would have saved more, if I drove to Bellingham but you also have to factor in the cost of gas to travel 21 miles.  On a nice day it's an enjoyable drive.  Sometimes we have lunch in the US and Costco Bellingham has 36 gas pumps!  A lot of Canadians do the drive.

Here is breakdown of the taxes we pay as of April 4th:
GST         7.6
Carbon     8.8
Federal   10
Transit    17
BC Tax     9.6

We pay the highest price for fuel in North America!


Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...