Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Smuggler's Inn

Smuggler's Inn.  On Zero Avenue near 184th on the US side of Zero Avenue. 
No ditch separating the road, just some boulders in the grass.
We drive by here frequently.  At the Border Security seminar one of the other participants asked the RCMP Officers about this Bed & Breakfast.  His answer was startling....he said "google the owner".  He's well known to us and I will say no more.   I planned on doing this when I had time, but just saw a post from CBC.CA today about this establishment.

Robert Joseph "Bob" Boule, owner of Smuggler's Inn
Here is what CBC wrote on their website:

'No-tell Hotel'
Boulé, who was born in 1949, has owned the Smuggler's Inn on Canada View Drive for 20 years.

Two years ago, he told CBC News how common it was to see people stealing over the border at night using night-vision goggles.

He played up the smuggling theme at his business by naming each room after a famous criminal. His property was nicknamed the "No-tell Hotel" in Canadian Geographic in 2010, in homage to its proximity to the border.

Boulé is active in the Blaine business community and is a well-known figure in the small border town.

He has volunteered to help people with fundraising campaigns and hosted residents in need in the past.

Not exactly The Four Seasons!
The Smuggler's Inn has been featured in several news stories over the years, some focused on issues related to proximity to the border, such as illegal immigrants and drug smuggling.

Here is an video that appeared on CBC News:

Smuggler's Inn

After the CBC submitted that report, BREAKING NEWS:

Boulé has just been arrested and faces a slew of charges, ranging from organizing illegal entry into Canada to attempting to counsel someone to commit an offence, on dates ranging from May, 2018 to March 2019.    

It's time for Aunty Acid