Thursday, May 2, 2019

Walking Crescent Beach with Nancy

Yesterday, Nancy and I went to Crescent Beach.  I haven't walked there in a long time and it was such a gorgeous day.

If you've been to Crescent Beach you will understand the horn on the train.

We sat in the gorgeous sunshine and had a nice coffee
On Monday, a fire broke out at this great facility (picture below).  I'm glad the Surrey Fire Fighters did such a great job of fighting the fire!  Here's a link to Global BC News:     Beecher Place Fire
This fire was earlier this week.  I'm glad they've already started restoration. 
This picture was taken off Sarah Daniels Facebook page
Sarah Daniels, former Global BC Traffic Reporter, former Real Estate Expert on The Marilyn Denis show and former Host on Urban/Suburban moved back to the lower mainland from Toronto.  She posted this on her Facebook page yesterday.  The Toronto snow and extreme weather was too much for Sarah and she returned to her home.  We are glad to have her back here and hopefully I'll see her on the beach walking her dogs.  What a great photo!

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...