Thursday, August 29, 2019

A great day for a long walk on a long pier

Nancy and I went to White Rock today for a nice walk.  We knew the pier was open but didn't know East Beach is now open also.  We've both been away and our walks earlier were always at Crescent Beach.  The weather here is hot and gorgeous!  We left at 8 AM so we could miss the hot sun.   I've never seen so many people at White Rock so early.  Like us, they were seeing the repaired pier and walking before 10 AM when parking rates are in effect.

The upgrades at East Beach were awesome!  Lots of picnic tables for those fabulous take out fish and chips.
These huge rocks will stop damage from future storms .

A lot of smaller rocks
The storm was on December 20, 2018.  The cleanup of East Beach took a long time.  They finished West Beach clean up quickly so the walks were nice but all of East Beach was blocked off until the end of July.  We walked the entire beach and the new pier!  I didn't take pictures of the new pier as I've posted them before.  7,500 steps if you do the entire walk.  Beautiful day and nice to walk the entire beach once again.

Good for White Rock!  Hopefully all the restaurants will be busy again.
We met my friend Linda Lightfoot.  She took this picture of Nancy and I as the Burlington Northern train was coming!
She moved to South Surrey from Vancouver and really enjoys the area!

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...