Thursday, November 7, 2019

Take your Grade 9 student to work day

Yesterday, Lexie went to work with Cheryl.  I don't know if she had a choice to go with mom or dad but I would have gone with dad!   Cheryl texted they had a great day.

Carol and Dave asked us to go out for lunch.  We met them at the Roadhouse in South Surrey where we had a nice lunch.  After lunch we decided to go to White Rock for a nice walk on the pier.  The weather was sunny and the air was crisp.  The tide was in and a lot of people were walking the beach.  When we went to pay for parking, it's free until January 31st.  It's great they are offering free parking for all the struggling restaurants.

We were only there for under an hour and two trains went by us.  They were both coal trains and were very long.

I tried to get both the White Rock and Mt. Baker in the picture.  

Train number two.  See the yellow seats that were donated by the province after Expo 86!  They are still good.
They are allowing dogs on the walkway
After many hours of debate at White Rock City Council, dogs are allowed.  We've never seen any out of control dogs.  We have seen many happy dogs and dog owners.  I'm glad they are allowing them access.

Goodbye Robert Pickton

Robert Pickton passed away yesterday.  It's not right to ever say anything nasty about someone after they have passed away, but even  Pr...