Saturday, May 16, 2020


I have friends and relatives who chose the teaching profession.  I was always jealous when they got two weeks at Christmas, two weeks at spring break and nine weeks in the summer.  As an office worker, I only got three, four, five and then six weeks vacation.

My last job, and the one I retired from, we had nice long lunches usually at a restaurant and most of the time the company paid the tab.  We had a beer fridge, an espresso machine, and a cookie cupboard.  I figured out you could pour a beer in a coffee mug in the morning and it looked exactly like what came out of the espresso machine!

We had an annual Christmas Party with our spouse.  The company supplied a limo so we got home safely.  We had a wonderful golf tournament on July 4th as leaving the office when the American offices were closed was the best day.  Every holiday meant a party at work that usually continued long after office hours.  Cinco de Mayo was our favorite holiday!  Halloween was a close second.

My teacher friend told me she eats her packed lunch usually at her desk and worked late most days.  She worked in an elementary school in East Vancouver where there were children with fetal alcohol, ESL and many had severe learning and discipline problems.  Many were from single parent households, and were under nourished.  When she had parent teacher conferences, as the parents didn't speak English she would ask the high school for a student who spoke their language.  Her conferences took twice as long as the English speaking ones.  I said "isn't that frustrating"?  She she "no, they come in their blue coverall work clothes from menial low paying jobs, wanting a better life for their children"!  Teachers are special people.

She said the principal, parents and students all criticize her.  She has pressure from three directions.  Teachers are under paid and under appreciated.  It took a pandemic for many people to realize this.

Parents that are attempting at home schooling are very frustrated.  I'm sure they now really appreciate the educators that are teaching their children.

This video cracked me up:

Maybe after this pandemic is over people will be nicer to grocery workers, truck drivers, postal workers and all the people in the medical field.  They are the true heroes.

It's time for Aunty Acid