Friday, September 4, 2020

My travels in August - Thank you Google!

This is actually a little troubling.  Not only do they follow me everywhere I go, they tell me after they've done it. It could be helpful if you were accused of committing a crime. I haven't done felonies lately so I'm turning this feature off.   If you want to turn it off your Android/Google device here's how:

Turn Location History on or off

You can turn off Location History for your account at any time. If you use a work or school account, your administrator needs to make this setting available for you. If they do, you'll be able to use Location History as any other user.

  1. Go to the "Location History" section of your Google Account.
  2. Choose whether your account or your devices can report Location History to Google.
    • Your account and all devices: At the top, turn Location History on or off.
    • Only a certain device: Under "This device" or "Devices on this account," turn the device on or off.

All these stops were lunches, except our nice dinner with Alix, Jamil and Laurie at Swaneset Golf and Country Club.  The red dots are not where we stopped but when you drill into the app, it shows you the time you arrived and the time you left!  It also has me walking but only when I walk to Fresh Street or White Spot.  It didn't capture my Red Hat afternoon at the park.  

You can see we are listening to the doctors and staying pretty much at home.

Happy Thursday

 After watching the news, I needed a smile!