Sunday, December 27, 2020

A quiet Christmas and relaxing Boxing Day

Our Christmas was awesome.  It was quiet and I must say I did enjoy it.  We never saw Dave or Lexie but Cheryl came over with her half of the dinner.  She wore a mask the entire time and I gave her my half.  It was great only cooking half a meal.  Everything was delicious.  We had a Zoom call at 6 PM and all ate together.  

Cheryl said she would go to Costco on Boxing Day as soon as they open as she needed gas and a few things.  I didn't need much but never pass up an opportunity to go there.  In other years, Costco on Boxing Day is very quiet.  They rarely have anything on sale and most people do their shopping before Christmas.  I set the alarm to make sure I got up in time and we got there at 9.   No wait at the gas pumps (1.159 a litre) and no lineup to get in.  The parking lot was 1/4 full!   Cheryl had something to return and there was no wait in the return line!  I didn't need much but it was a nice day to look around.  I saw the Alaska King Crab and I don't think I would ever pay $253.41 for dinner but it was best before Dec 27th and I have lots of turkey left overs.  They had fresh turkeys on sale at $25.00 off!   I don't need a turkey but that was a nice price!

We got to the cashiers and they were all standing around!   Cheryl went to one and I took the cashier beside her.  What a lovely shopping trip!   That's it for shopping for me until next year.  I'm stocked up and love to go when it's super quiet.  I talked to a friend who said Metrotown was really busy.  I read online there were traffic jams at Tsawwassen Springs and the airport Outlet Mall.  

The nicest Christmas video this year:  Feliz Navidad

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...