Wednesday, January 27, 2021

DNA: It's an interesting journey

A few years ago, I did my DNA.  My results were pretty much what I expected but there were a few surprises.  The best part about doing my DNA was the matches that came up.  I did my DNA through Ancestry as they have the largest data base.

I have messaged most of my close cousins I match with DNA and we've located our connection.  I met one of my cousins in Essex, UK who said I looked exactly like his sister.  If I ever get back to Essex, I will meet her.  A true cousin, we met in a pub!

On my paternal side, the DNA relatives organized a Facebook page.  We all know we are related because our DNA matches.  We've figured out the relationship and how we connect.  Most of my paternal relatives live in Australia!   We continue to connect through Facebook and it's awesome to see newborn babies and milestones my relatives achieve.

I didn't do the DNA that gives you health information.  There are other companies that do this.  If you haven't done your DNA and you are interested, check all the suppliers.  There are a few out there and they all offer different things.

Here is an interesting video about DNA:

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