Monday, January 18, 2021

Some good news

This is Laurel Place in Surrey.  My Auntie Peggy who is 100 1/2 years old lives here.  On January 6th she got her COVID vaccine.   This was in the local newspaper:

Fraser Health says the COVID-19 outbreak at Laurel Place in Surrey is over.  In an information bulletin Saturday (Jan. 16), the health authority declared the outbreak over at the Whalley long-term care centre.

Fraser Health first declared the outbreak in a Dec. 22, 2020 information bulletin, stating that four patients and two staff members at the high-intensity rehabilitation unit had tested positive for COVID-19

In the Ministry of Health’s weekly report on January 13  on outbreak in long-term care, assisted living and independent living, it said there were 68 cases connected to the Laurel Place outbreak, with 10 deaths.  All 10 deaths were among residents and patients.

We are all relieved she didn't get the virus!  Apparently all the long term care homes in our health district have been vaccinated along with the staff.  Hopefully that will stop the spread of this terrible virus!

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...