Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Winter is coming!!!!!

An Arctic front is enroute to give us some unseasonably cold weather.  Here in lotus land, our flowers are in bud.  I understand there are some flowering, but I haven't seen any.  Our magnolia tree is in bud.   I'm really hoping this cold weather doesn't damage any of our flowers.

Here is the forecast temperatures in Fahrenheit at 3:30 PM Yesterday

The latest temperatures show -11C as a low on Wednesday and more snow than shown on this forecast.  

I received an email this morning from a cousin in Regina.  

It's -30 here this morning and the wind chill is -47.  Yesterday the wind chill was -50.  No walking for this person yesterday or today.  If the wind goes down, I'll try tomorrow

We don't walk if it's below zero because we are worried about ice and falling!   It was -3C at 6:30 AM in Surrey.   

I wouldn't go out of the country right now, but a girl can dream!


  Tupperware was founded in Orlando, Florida in 1946.  Yesterday they filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection.  For 78 years they have su...