Sunday, February 21, 2021

Zoom meeting

How things have changed in the past year!   Friday night we had our Strata Annual General Meeting via Zoom.  It was at 6:30 PM so I invited Richard for dinner as he's an owner here and it's fun to watch with others!   The meetings are usually held at Grace Church.  It's an awesome facility but because of social distancing we are forced to Zoom.   This is our third Zoom meeting, so one would think it would go smoothly.

One poor couple tried for two hours before they could connect.  The moderator tried to help them to no avail.  I was really happy when they got in, however, they missed quite a bit.  One shouldn't laugh, but it really was funny.  I wanted to go to their house and help them, but with COVID, not a good idea.  

The meeting lasted three hours.  My next door neighbour and I texted through the meeting.  It made it much more interesting, believe me.  At hour one and a half, she said "this is the best comedy yet!".  And she was right.

We got done and the demeanor of our present President showed through the meeting once again.  He's not the nicest person on the block and that's being kind!   

Some of the owners brought up great questions!   We are fortunate to have a good management firm now.  We've had a few management firms and this one is really professional.  

We had elections and there are seven positions.  All seven were taken up by owners and that's great.  Will I ever run for council?   No, I like to be friends with my neighbours and the president, well?????  We have great close by neighbours.  

At the end, another owner "What's App'd" me.  He said "now I can have my drink" and sent a beer emoji.  I sent four glasses of wine and said "it's better drinking through the meeting"!   

That was our Friday entertainment and it didn't disappoint!    

From Russia with Lev

  From Russia With Lev is a 2024 documentary film about Lev Parnas.  It is the first documentary produced by cable news anchor Rachel Maddow...