Saturday, May 22, 2021

BC Vaccinations open for 12 to 17 year olds

On Wednesday, BC Health Minister Adrian Dix announced BC was opening up registration for COVID vaccines for children 12 to 17.  Word got out fast and many parents rushed to register their children.  Cheryl registered Lexie immediately.   I told her when the vaccine appointment notification came in, just get her in wherever, whenever and I will take her.

Thursday night very late the email arrived.  Cheryl checked Surrey, Delta, and Langley.  The best appointment available was at the Cloverdale Recreation Center, which is very close to where they live.  It was the very next day at 12:35 PM so Lexie would have to miss afternoon school.  I couldn't believe how fast she got in!

I picked her up at the from school mid-morning and she said "I'm so happy".   I said, "long weekend or vaccine"?  She said "both". 

When Lexie was a baby, I looked after her when Cheryl worked.  Every day she came was wonderful.  Watching her grow and teaching her different things was a joy!   Cheryl asked me to take her to her family doctor for her shots.  The doctor's office was in Steveston and we would put her in the stroller.  She would point out birds and flowers on the way there, and scream on the way home!  Oh well, she really needs these shots.  

So, I'm looking forward to taking her for the COVID vaccine but Cheryl wanted to take her and took the afternoon off.  Okay, no problem but why do you get the fun ones?   These are the things you can laugh at.

I asked Lexie what she got.  She said "a fireman"!   That's my girl!


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