Friday, November 19, 2021

Hoarding in Canada?

I was shocked the other day when Premier Horgan told people to stop hoarding!  I understand the communities that are isolated due to highways being blocked in the interior.  I never thought we would have a problem in the lower mainland.  Then last night I got this text from my next door neighbour:

Some interesting news from my friend: 

I stopped to fill up since everyone else has been. All Shell had left was 93 at 87 price. I saw a gas tanker at the chevron at KG and 64th.

One of the dump truck drivers heard that the lower mainland has roughly 2 days left of gas. So I decided to fill up just in case. 

I had a little more than half a tank and decided I would fill up because if there is a problem, there will be lineups.  I went to the Shell gas station across the street and found this sign on the pump:

On Wednesday, I received this text from my friend that lives in Parksville.  She drove up to Costco in Courtenay:

OMG went to Costco to just get our regular stuff. You should have seen the numbers of people with basket full of meat , dairy, etc. line ups went down to the meat dept around the bakery and back up the isle's. Hardly able to shop. Same line ups outside like when Covid hit. No meat, chicken or anything in the bins. 

I am not about to run out and get groceries, I will buy what I need.  When I went to Fresh Street yesterday to pick up milk, there was a sign on the milk fridge "Limit 2 items per customer".  I only bought one 2 litre jug.  

Last night when I came home from filling up half a tank of gas, this was on the Facebook site of No Frills in Cloverdale.  No Frills was flooded on Monday and it's closed.  Their Facebook page says it will take three weeks to clean up the store and then they posted this:

We will wait and watch to see what happens.  Now the Government of Canada is removing the PCR COVID test for trips to the US of less than 72 hours, we will be able to go south if we run out of supplies.  Let's hope we can stay in Canada and get what we need.  I do hope the hoarding stops!

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...