Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The greatest country?

On December 14, 2012 when a 20 year old walked into Sandy Hook Elementary and shot 26 people, mostly young students in a school I thought that would change the gun laws in the US.  That was ten years ago and the shootings in the US never stopped.  If that didn't move the lawmakers in the US, I doubt they will never change and this will continue.   

They call themselves pro-life but at 18 you can buy an two assault rifles and shot students a school, concert goers in Las Vegas, theatre goers at a movie theatre,  shoppers in a super market, or worshippers in a church or synagogue!   It will never stop until they change their gun laws. 

Steve Kerr gets it right!  Why won't they listen?

Steve Kerr

I am so glad to be Canadian and hope we never change our parliamentary system and become a Republic.  It isn't working for our neighbours!  

Things to remember

The past cannot be changed. Everyone's journey is different Overthinking will lead to sadness Happiness is found within Kindness is free...