Sunday, January 8, 2023

Letters to Santa that weren't mailed in time

If letters are mailed before the deadline they should be answered.  However, many arrive late and the elves don't have enough time to answer to get them back before Christmas.  I don't know how many arrived late but I volunteered to answer any late letters.  Many of our club members are going to Antartica on a cruise!  I hope they have a wonderful time.

In the last couple of days, I've sent over 350 post cards to answer late letters.  At least they get a reply.  One lady from the US sent a self-addressed US stamped envelope and asked I return her child's letter.  I wrote out a Canadian envelope and told her US stamps weren't accepted at the North Pole.  Her daughter was sent a post card and she got the letter back as a keep sake along with her US stamps!

Letters to Santa

Canada Post striking workers in Coquitlam are replying to letters to Santa.  Retirees are not doing these letters until the strike is resolv...