Friday, December 29, 2023

The Price is Right

I've been to the taping of Let's Make A Deal three times and believe it or not, three times I've been chosen.  The last two times I went, Cheryl came with me.  She wasn't chosen but learned how to be loud and get noticed.  She's always wanted to go to The Price is Right.  We tried booking in November but air fares were ridiculous and her work calendar made it difficult.  She found a few days that worked and thanks to Air Canada's Boxing Day sale, we got a good flight.  We have our tickets to the taping and our hotel is next to a large mall!  

I plan on being unusually quiet.  I don't know prices but she watches the show and takes notes.  She also is great with numbers so if she gets chosen she would be a lot better at the games that I would.   

Here is the shirt she's wearing:

Lexie bought her a bright lipstick from Sephora.  Now to figure out what to do with her hair and headpiece.  

Even if she doesn't get picked, it's a great trip away with the daughter!  I'm glad she got my mom's love of game shows!   We would take Lexie but she's in the middle of a semester.  We don't go for a few weeks, but I'll update on my blog our trip, picked or not!

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...