Monday, June 24, 2024

From Cow Head to Twillingate

We really enjoyed our three nights in Cow Head.  A lovely place with a quaint family run hotel.  We boarded our coach and our first stop was Grand Falls-Windsor where we saw our very first traffic light!  There are very few cars on the road.  They tell you not to drive at night because of the moose.  There are traffic signs on the highway that tell you how many moose have hit cars!

We had a lovely scenic drive to Twillingate.  Our first stop was the Twillingate Museum.

I wore the same Brownie uniform!  I loved the Girl Guide Exhibit.

Obviously before they joined Canada in 1949. 
In March they had their 75th Anniversary of being a province in Canada.

The stove in the kitchen
After the museum we went to a winery to sample the wine.  I didn't buy any because taking it home would be a pain, but I did take pictures.  I loved all the names, but this one really caught my eye:

After the winery we drove to Long Point Lighthouse.  The scenery never ends and it's so beautiful.  The weather was 26C at 6 PM last night!  Today we expect our first rain.  I came well prepared as I live in Vancouver and I am very familiar with good rain gear.

Twillingate is known as the Iceberg Capital of the World, however, this year they've taken a different route!  We were told this in St. Anthony.  They break off the ice cap in Baffin Island, Greenland.  We were told they move 17 KM/10 Miles a day.  I'm so happy we saw so many in St. Anthony.


Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...