Friday, June 21, 2024

The trip keeps getting better.

We stayed in St. Anthony.  It's the most northernmost place we will visit.  At 6 AM, it was 20C and blue sky!  We've been very lucky with the weather.

Yesterday we started the day with a 2 hour boat cruise to look for icebergs and whales.  It's too early for whales but there were lots of icebergs.  We sailed around them and it was magnificent!

We got a boxed lunch and ate it in the bus while we drove to L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic site a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  We had a guided tour from Parks Canada that explained how the Vikings settled here over 1,000 years ago.  We saw the remains of Leif Eriksen's house.  After our tour, we boarded the bus and went to Cow Head, Newfoundland.  

I haven't said much about the hotels that have all been lovely, but here is the view from our room in Cow Head.

That picture was taken at sunset when we returned from a Musical Theatre production at the Gros Morne Theatre Festival.  Then play was called Newfoundland Rocks; A Cow Head Shed Party. Donna and I loved it. 
The Centre was funded by Government of Canada Community Services Recovery fund, the Province of Newfoundland Labrador and a lot of corporate sponsors.  Mary Brown's chicken is everywhere!  The first Mary Brown's was in St. John's!   Their slogan is "Mary Brown has the best legs in town"!   We have a Mary Brown's in the mall by us at home and it is very good.  It's air fried and everything is made on site.  

Finally good internet, so I'm creating this blog on my computer.  Some of the other's I did on my phone.  It's not ideal and very hard to see how it looks.  So if anything is off, that's why.

TV has been interesting.  The other night when the Oilers were playing some of our fellow passengers wanted to watch the game.  They only had Roku and many of us had trouble even navigating it.  They listened to the game on the radio.  We stay here for three nights and there is a huge TV in the pub adjacent to the hotel.  Sounds like a party will happen.  Our coach seats 56 and there are 23 passengers.  All of our fellow passengers are Canadian and some are from Alberta.  The passengers are all so friendly and when it's a small tour, you really get to know your fellow travellers!


  Tupperware was founded in Orlando, Florida in 1946.  Yesterday they filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection.  For 78 years they have su...