Friday, August 2, 2024

Coffee with a Cop

My neighbour Nancy and I are volunteers with Block Watch.  We got an invitation to have coffee with a cop.  Many RCMP officers showed up and we talked to most of them.  

Last Saturday we had yellow tape at the top of our lane.  I walk that lane frequently and sent an email to our contact at Block Watch and got an quick response.  I was concerned it may be an ongoing incident and worried it may be a good idea to stop walking up the lane.  The incident was resolved and there is no safety issue.  

Two years ago we had police doing surveillance close to us.  We kept it quiet and one night the swat team came, a very loud flash bang, many police cars and yellow tape was up for three days!  A neighbour told me guns were lined up on the back lawn!  I stayed away.  This was not in our complex but in a three million dollar house close to us.  I emailed the RCMP and I know these situations are private, but all I wanted to know was "did the person arrested own the house"? The watch commander said "no, he was renting a suite in the basement and the bailiff has already evicted him".  No need to worry!

I hope when we transition to the Surrey Police Service on November 29th, we get this kind of communication.  All the officers we met were very interesting and they all enjoy working in Surrey.  



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