Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Time Capsule found at Canada Post Vancouver 1950's building

What was in that time capsule?

Upon opening the copper box, they found nine historic photographs, six Canadian coins, 300 Canadian postage stamps, four local newspapers and numerous letters and publications. Sealed on November 29, 1955, by the Honourable Robert H. Winters, Minister of Public Works, the time capsule was recovered in 2019 during renovation work. Its contents were retrieved on April 24, 2023.

And now they’re on view at The Post. The curatorial team opted to display a large portion of the time capsule’s contents. In the background of the case is a large photo portraying the well-dressed audience at the Main Post Office’s opening reception. The front image features an enlarged newspaper with the caption: “Years from now, when the building is outmoded, someone will read all about the 1955 Grey Cup.”

More than just objects—and learning about the winning team that year—the time capsule reveals prevalent ideas and values of the postwar era: boundless optimism for technological innovation and an aspiration for modern industrial life.

With its two new office towers, rising to 21 and 22 storeys, and its 1.1 million square feet of office space, The Post is now the largest office building in Vancouver.

Some nice thoughts for Friday