Saturday, September 21, 2024

From Russia with Lev


From Russia With Lev is a 2024 documentary film about Lev Parnas.  It is the first documentary produced by cable news anchor Rachel Maddow.

It is full of very interesting facts that are backed up with video and pictures.  Lev spent time in jail for what he did and it is explained in detail, along with everyone else who participated.  I suggest you watch it and make your own opinion.

As I originally said with the book "On The Take" by Stevie Cameron about Brian Mulroney, wait for the lawyers to start filing.  They never did, it must be true.

If any false allegations have been made, the legal stuff will happen.  I am waiting.......

From Russia with Lev

  From Russia With Lev is a 2024 documentary film about Lev Parnas.  It is the first documentary produced by cable news anchor Rachel Maddow...