Sunday, March 29, 2020

Facebook Funnies

I have spent a lot of time on Facebook lately and it's really amusing!  I ignore the conspiracy theories and downers but enjoy the humour!
This is from Karyn's Facebook page
Caption:  Is this what it feels like when you win the lottery?

I just did toilet paper inventory and I have 32 rolls of toilet paper left.  I haven't bought it in the frenzy and I'm hoping when the virus is contained it will be cheaper as the inventory won't move too fast. 

I've been married 52 years and this is the first time I've counted toilet paper rolls.  I counted slices of sourdough bread the other day to make sure it lasted for two meals.  I'm now becoming my mother!

If you are looking to see a virtual tour, here are the British Royal Residences:

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...