Many were not happy with their children returning to school with what was originally proposed. My friend Donna's daughter is a cancer survivor with one kidney. She has two young boys! Lots of other parents are immune compromised or live with high risk people. They were all worried if they did online learning, their children would lose their place in the school. Home schooling was overbooked so that wasn't an option.
Cheryl feels Lexie needs to get back to school. She received her new school schedule and will go in at regular time five mornings a week and will be off school before noon four days a week. One day will be a regular full day pickup and she will need to take lunch. Four afternoons will be online learning and with mom working from home it should be good. I really hope the schools are safe and the teenagers are instructed on how important it is to wear masks when social distancing isn't possible. Cheryl or Dave will be driving Lexie to and from school. She could walk but it's a long walk and safety is a huge concern these days.
Our district listened to parents and are offering online learning for parents who don't want to return their children back to school. They will not lose their seat in school. This is very important as many schools are at capacity and also for those children in French Immersion or other specialty programs. Teachers that are at high risk will be conducting at home learning so it's a win win for students and teachers.
If you want to read exactly what is being proposed the link is below. I think they've done an amazing job in a difficult situation.