Thursday, December 10, 2020

This says it all!

The countries most affected by the corona-virus are the USA, Brazil, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy and France. Here is the photo of the heads of state of these countries:


The countries which are recognized to have best handled the crisis are Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Denmark.

Here is the photo of who rules them ...:


Do you see a pattern here?

I was really happy to hear the Pfizer vaccine was approved by Health Canada.  I'm thrilled front line and long term care workers are the first in line!  I will gladly wait my turn and look forward to things going back to normal.  

Goodbye X, Hello Bluesky

I was driving behind a Tesla and I saw a bumper sticker before the American election that said: "I BOUGHT THIS CAR BEFORE I KNEW WHAT A...