Eight years ago I needed a new computer. I went to Best Buy and purchased an All In One. The sales guy said "for $100 I will transfer your data and set up your computer". I said, "I'm pretty sure I can do it". He looked at me and said "when you screw it up, bring it to me and I'll still charge you $100.00".
I was in IT as an admin person. I watched the support desk and over the years learned a lot about Windows. My old computer still had Windows XP and the new computer was Windows 8 with a Windows 10 upgrade coming in 30 days.
I took the new computer home and with a lot of You Tube videos and reading, I set up my new computer. It was a great accomplishment and everything has worked fine. I moved to Windows 10 when it was available and I've never had a problem.
I have a laptop now, but I still use my desktop. The monitor is huge on my all in one and all my pictures and documents are saved on it. The important documents are on the cloud but the pictures aren't backed up. Cec has copies, but as my computer is now over eight years old, I better back it up.
I went to Costco and bought a 4 TB Western Digital hard drive. I brought it home and after four days of trying to figure it out, I gave up. Not worth the frustration. My computer needs cleaning up as it's running slow. I talked to the Geek Squad and I could take my computer into their facility or get a membership to their help desk and they would fix everything remotely. I opted for the remote membership and yesterday it was all done by the experts at Geek Squad.
I clicked a link, gave them permission to access my computer and typed in what I wanted them to do. It was interesting watching them do everything and the peace of mind that it was being done right and I wouldn't delete something I couldn't retrieve.
Admit defeat and find peace