Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Happy 20th Anniversary

When I was in my early 40's I had knee pain.  It got worse and at 48 was sent to the UBC Sports Medicine Clinic.  The Dr. said my case was very "unique" and I needed a specific specialist.  After going to five more specialists, I finally found one that would operate.  It took six years.  I spent time in a wheel chair and took incredible amounts of pain killers including some that were deemed unsafe and taken off the market.

He told me I needed seven months off work.  I would have one knee replaced and then four months after I would have the second surgery.  I had two orthopedic surgeons in the operating room as my legs were so crooked they needed two doctors to set them straight.  I was in St. Paul's Hospital for eight days.

When I was discharged, I was given strict instructions.  "Absolutely no running and restrict your walking."  "Walk up stairs, take the elevator down if you can."  "If you fall," he said "we will probably never be able to repair a break"!  He told me my knees would probably last ten years and they would only be able to repair them once more.   

My knees were x-rayed two years ago and they are good.  My knees swell at times, but I know how to deal with it.  

My cousin Sharon and my next door neighbour Kathy both had knee replacements this year.  They were in the hospital one night!   How things have changed.  They both had a cryocuff/polar ice machine that kept ice water on their knee to handle the after surgery pain.  I used bags of frozen peas!  

Today I celebrate twenty years of new knees.  Let's hope they last for another twenty years!

Junior Achievement - Lindsay Duthie

My best friend  growing up was  Carol Smith.  She was a member of Junior Achievement.  She really enjoyed it and it made a huge impact on he...