Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Welcome to the USA, Canada we missed you!

Yesterday we had a wonderful day.  We went to the US.  ArriveCan gone, no random testing, no problems crossing the border.  I checked the border web cam and it looked good at the Peace Arch border crossing.

I heard Peace Arch Park was closed but I was confused because the Provincial Government that controls Peace Arch Park has lifted all the COVID rules.  When we drove by Beach Road, there was a roadblock put up by the Semiahmoo Nation!  The entrance to the duty free is okay, but the driveway at the other side of the duty free to the park parking lot is blocked.  The reason you can't get into the park is because the Semiahmoo Nation is stopping it.  

The sad part about it is when people have long waits at the border, they use the washrooms in the park.  Signs everywhere "do not enter, park closed,  washrooms closed".  It's a park used by everyone and a lot of visitors go there.  I took my Australian cousins there and they were thrilled to get a picture by "entering the USA", without having to get a visa as they were catching the Rocky Mountaineer the next day.  It's a gorgeous park and every year the Girl Guides and Brownies from the US and Canada hold "hands across the border".   Red Hat has a picnic every year too with our US sisters!  Every year on September 11, first responders from both countries have a ceremony.  I guess everything is now cancelled!

With one car ahead of us in the US Nexus line, we headed to Bob's Burgers and Brew at Birch Bay for a delicious lunch.  We then went to Costco Bellingham for gas only.  There was a four car wait but they have three pumps in each line so the wait was short.  Costco is building a new car wash on the parking lot. 

Using my Gas Converter app, Costco regular gas is US$4.85 per US gallon, converted at CAD$1.40 = CAD$1.77 a litre.  It's CAD$235.9 at our corner today.  I would be happy to buy gas in Canada but a $0.56 a litre saving is worth the savings and a nice drive!  My SUV gas tank has a 60 litre tank.

Coming home at Peace Arch, we were stopped in a line on the US side of the border.  We slowly drove past a drug dog and eight officers with patrol cars ready to chase!  The dog nicely stood while we drove by.  We had nothing in our car as we are going away so I'm not stocking up on food.   At the Canadian Nexus line, one car in front of us!

It's time for Aunty Acid