Sunday, May 28, 2023

Lexie's Grad Dance

Last night Lexie and the Class of 2023 from Lord Tweedsmuir had their Grad Dance at Newlands Golf Course in Langley.  She was so excited and looked amazing.  At 4 PM, many grads went to Sendall Gardens in Langley for pictures before the dinner dance.  She gave me her approval to post pictures of her grad on my blog. 

She was an honour roll student throughout high school.  Last year she had a GPA of 3.75 but this year it will be higher she says!  She's been accepted at Simon Fraser University in Criminology.  We are all so proud of her!

Congratulations Edmonton Oilers!

Finally a Canadian hockey team advances to the Stanley Cup Finals!   We had planned on meeting friends at Poseidon restaurant for dinner.  W...