Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Lost luggage

There always lots of stories of lost luggage.  I bought smart tags and always know where my luggage is.  If you don't have them, get them.  They are cheap and if you bag gets lost, you can tell the airlines where to look!

Here is an interesting article about a customer who had fresh fish in his checked luggage.  It was lost for five days!  Obviously he didn't read the restricted and prohibited items list.

Flair Airlines Court Case

My long time airline friend Laurie moved from the Credit Department to Baggage Claims.  She wanted a change.  Her job was to inventory baggage that had not been claimed after X amount of days and try to find the owner.  She would talk about the unique things she found. She came to me with US money and there was no policy on what to do with it.  I opened up a G/L account and we saw it grow!  It made us wonder what her predecessor did with the money he found!  We had charters going to Las Vegas and Reno weekly!

One of her items was a wheel chair.  Who checks in a wheel chair but never picks it up?  A  prosthetic leg in a case was unclaimed.  She had to dispose or donate items after a certain time, but she ignored that rule and kept the leg.  One day a guy called as the last time he saw his leg was when he was on a ski trip.  It was his ski leg and he was going on another ski holiday!  He was thrilled she still had it.  

I always think of Laurie when I pack and unpack my suitcases.  

If you are travelling, check the restricted/prohibited list.  

Letters to Santa

Canada Post striking workers in Coquitlam are replying to letters to Santa.  Retirees are not doing these letters until the strike is resolv...