Saturday, July 6, 2024

Refrigerator update!

I met Myrna and her late husband Robert on a Canada Post bus trip.  We've been friends ever since.  I loved her all her stories, but the one about her refrigerator was one I wouldn't forget.  I never knew anyone who had a fridge as long as she did.  I couldn't remember how long she had it.  She read my post yesterday and I got this email from her:

Hi.   I had to deal with it's passing back a bit. It was still running but warm. So felt it was time to say good by!  Ordered it from Sears catalogue in August 1964.  It was out of stock but waited a few weeks with no fridge and a new baby.  It was worth the wait.   It was in it's 59th year when I unplugged it.  I still miss it terribly!   Loved the  model.

I knew she had her refrigerator for a long time, but 59 years!  I hope her new one lasts a long time too.  Keep cool in this heat wave, Myrna and keep in touch with your wonderful stories!  Hope to see you soon.


  Tupperware was founded in Orlando, Florida in 1946.  Yesterday they filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection.  For 78 years they have su...