Friday, September 13, 2024

Aurora Borealis

The aurora came to Vancouver in May and I was fortunate enough to see them at Crescent Beach.  I follow the Aurora app and it sends me messages.  I got a message yesterday.  Last night they should have be visible in Vancouver.  My neighbour who follows aurora too told me they were visible in Paris last night!  

This is from Chris Hatfield:

This is from NOAA:   

EXTENDED WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 5 expected
Extension to Serial Number: 1924
Valid From: 2024 Sep 12 0419 UTC
Now Valid Until: 2024 Sep 13 1200 UTC
Warning Condition: Persistence
Issue Time: 2024 Sep 13 0529 UTC

I waited up until midnight.  Unfortunately clouds have appeared and I can't find anything at my home.  Last May they were right over our house.  It appears they did not come this far south, but there is always the hope!  

It's a great hobby and I really enjoy it.   I've been hoping for the sight of them in Alaska, but every trip I've taken, they've never been active.  I look forward to the pictures other enthusiasts post showing the lights in their area. 


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