Wednesday, October 9, 2024

People who give back to the community, I personally know one who does incredible work

My nephew owns a business and is often on TV ads with his dog.  A lot of friends go to his business and he is rarely there.  They ask "what does he do"?  Brad is a member of the Lions Club.  Along with other Lions members, every day, he goes to the chain supermarkets.  He has a truck and he picks up their near to expiry date food.  Through the week, he takes the food to food banks and fills up food pantries all across the lower mainland.  He's met many people at the pantries when he's delivering.  They are not homeless, drug addicted or alcoholics but food is so expensive they go without necessities.  It's heartbreaking.

Every Sunday they pick a church and it doesn't matter the denomination.  As Brad says "even people who have an income are suffering".  Families with children and seniors on a limited income have trouble making ends meet.  As the congregation leaves the church, this is what they see:

Brad's perspective is, hire efficient people you trust to handle the business and give back to the community that's been so good to your family.  

Leaving on a jet plane

                                All my bags are packed                                    I'm ready to go                               ...