Sunday, September 9, 2018

Another Photobook!

When we were going on our last cruise, Lexie asked if I was going to prepare another Photobook.  Of course I was, but she asked if she could do it.  Knowing when we came home we still had a week of her staying with us during the day whilst her parents worked, I said yes.

When all the pictures were organized, I opened up the Photobook application and uploaded the pictures.  I showed her how to move the pictures into the book and the only question she wanted to know was how to create a text box.  Without any other supervision Lexie created our Photobook memory!

She asked me to check it over and I was thrilled with what she created.  While I saw a couple of things I would have changed, I kept my grandmother mouth shut and uploaded the book for printing.  Photobook is printed in Malaysia and it just arrived!

Front Cover



Juno Beach 

Skye is one of Lexie's American Girl Dolls
She came with us on the Harmony in November and appeared again in the UK
The picture of her in bed with the pink top shows two Princess night time chocolates on her wrists!

These are all pictures taken by Lexie!

I walked with her up and down many stairs to capture some of the pictures
When Cheryl was in Grade two, I went to see her teacher to see if we could take her out of school for a vacation.  I worked for the airlines and it was much easier to fly standby when school was in session.  Her teacher said "she will learn far more on your trip than in my classroom"!  "Make it a "teaching" holiday, without her realizing it.

When we visited Southampton Lexie observed the "walled city".  We read all the information plaques on our walks to Wetherspoons and the large mall.  In every port she visited she learned about local history.  When she was at Stonehenge she saw the place the Magna Carta was signed.  I knew it was in Runnymede but didn't realize it was so close to Windsor and Stonehenge.

I was pleased she included pictures from Normandy.  We watched "They Walk With You", a very powerful and emotional film at Canada's war museum at Juno Beach.  It was a re-enactment of the role of Canadian infantry soldiers during D-day and the Battle of Normandy.  Lexie hasn't had any second world war history in her curriculum.  When she reads about it in Grade 11, she will remember the memorable day we spent there.

I was delighted with her organization, creativity and pictures!  She has a new LG phone and her pictures are excellent!  Most of the pictures in the book were taken by her.  I'm so proud of you Lexie for doing such a great job!

Merry Shipmass

 From our house to yours, Merry Christmas!