Monday, June 17, 2024

On the road again....

This coach is a 2025 with 2,903 KM!  You can smell the leather seats it's so new. 

We left at noon and drove through Halifax.  Then along the Highway to Antigonish for a 30 minute stop for a snack and walk.  The weather is gorgeous!   Back on the coach to Inverary Resort for dinner and we were given a hotel room until 1 AM!   The ferry is having scheduled maintenance and instead of leaving at 11 PM, we are leaving at 4:15 AM.  The bus will drive us to the ferry where we get another room and a $20 voucher for breakfast on the ferry.  We arrive in Newfoundland around 10:00 AM.  The tour company just found out about the change and made the arrangements for a room for us!  

Inverary Resort
This resort is huge.  It burnt down a couple of years ago and is brand new.  The rooms are lovely.

Things to remember

The past cannot be changed. Everyone's journey is different Overthinking will lead to sadness Happiness is found within Kindness is free...