Saturday, June 6, 2020

Meghan #Black Lives Matter

I hope she is successful in changes in the United States that really need to happen.  Good for her!

Meghan Markle's spokesperson discussed the moving speech she delivered to the graduating class of her former high school, in which she condemned the murders of George FloydBreonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Stephon Clark, and other Black people by police and urged the new graduates of Immaculate Heart High School to take action against anti-Black racism.
"I wasn’t sure what I could say to you. I wanted to say the right thing, and I was realIy nervous that I wouldn’t or that it would get picked apart," Meghan said, as first reported by Essence. "And I realized the only wrong thing to say is to say nothing, because George Floyd’s life mattered, and Breonna Taylor’s life mattered, and Philando Castile’s life mattered, and Tamir Rice’s life mattered, and so did so many other people whose names we know and whose names we do not know. Stephon Clarke, his life mattered."
Speaking to royal correspondent Omid Scobie, a spokesperson for the Duchess of Sussex said that she "felt compelled to directly address what’s happening in this country right now around the killing of George Floyd as well as what’s been happening over many, many years and many, many generations to countless other Black Americans."
"This is something incredibly personal to Meghan, especially given everything she has experienced," the spokesperson continued, before indicating that Prince Harry shares his wife's stance. "And as a couple it is, of course, very important. They are both feeling it, just like the rest of us."


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