Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Some great old pictures

Ernest Hemmingway in a Cuban bar

The evacuation of Saigon

Policemen inspect a lumber truck that smelled of alcohol during Prohibition in 1926
Germany submarine U-118 washes ashore on the beach in Britain

Queen Elizabeth during her World War II service 

A newly liberated French citizen happily lights Winston Churchill's cigar

William Harley and Arthur Davidson (1914)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Canada Dry Story

A vivid childhood memory for me was being given flat Canada Dry Ginger Ale when I was sick, but how did all this come about and why is it called that?

It all started with a young man named John J. McLaughlin from Enniskillen, Ontario.
In 1890, John was working at a soda factory in Brooklyn, New York. They made a syrupy ginger ale, but John thought he could make it better. He left the factory to open his own carbonated water plant in Toronto. In 1904, he created Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale - a lighter, less syrupy version for a more refined palate (hence why it was called pale and dry signifying less sugary syrup in the drink)
The drink was immediately popular and referred to as the "Champagne of Ginger Ale." During Prohibition, Canada Dry Ginger Ale became a popular mixer to mask the taste of the period’s harsh homemade liquors.
Ginger in its natural form may have some cold and flu benefits, like reducing nausea, but in reality the pop version has few benefits aside from being a treat and getting some much needed liquids into children.

I always keep Canada Dry in my refrigerator. I don't wait until I'm sick, I find it a nice refreshing drink. I only buy the mini cans as the regular size are just much.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Telus, really 8 phone calls after going to your website?

I got a call from Rogers/Shaw to say my TV/Internet/Home phone contract is coming due.  They emailed me an offer that I will accept.  The price has gone up $7.00 and I'm getting a better internet speed, more TV channels and a $75 bill credit.

Before I made this decision, I went online to Telus to see what they were offering.  I had a bad experience with Telus 15 years ago that went on for months.  We had Telus ADSL in the test period in Steveston, so many years ago, I can't even remember when.  Of course we kept it for years and it was an excellent speed.  At the time we went into the test group, we were told to purchase our own router.  They are not expensive and we weren't concerned.  But, I kept the bill, as I always do.  

We moved from Steveston to Surrey and continued to use Telus internet and Shaw TV.  Our computers were old and we'd moved them.  Our speed was terrible and we put up with it from February to December.  In October, we both bought new computers and obviously it wasn't the computers, it was the provider.  We did a speed test and it wasn't even close to what we were paying for.  I called Telus to see why our speed was so bad and apparently 20 years later ADSL internet was not in our area of Surrey.  We'd paid the premium of this good speed for 10 months and they wouldn't give us any credit.  

I called Shaw and we moved over to their fast service in December.  I didn't cancel my Telus service until January to make sure we were happy with Shaw.  When I phoned Telus to cancel they told me to return my router.  I said "it's my router and I have the invoice".  They said "if you don't return it we will charge you $100.00, take it to the post office and we pay the postage".  This router was old and useless and we were going to recycle it.  What the heck, let's let Telus pay for postage and they can recycle it.  As always, I printed off the proof of delivery in Edmonton of our old router.   Good thing I did because I got a February bill with the $100.00 charge for not returning my email.  

I will never use Telus again.  I went onto their website to compare prices and less than 30 minutes later the phone calls started.  I guess they still have my email or IP address because I've never given them my cell phone number and my cell is with Rogers.

After the second call, I blocked them.  Went I went to my computer today that my cell phone is attached to, it showed all the blocked calls I got!  They never left a voice mail.

Sunday, September 15, 2024



I don't eat a lot of butter, but when I go to Bellingham Costco, I buy Kerrygold Irish butter for Cheryl and Dave.  Cheryl said "once you try Irish butter, you will never eat Canadian or American butter again"!  

I buy Kirkland brand American butter from Costco.  It's cut into quarters and nicely wrapped.  We don't use a lot of butter and when I bring it home, I freeze it.  I just read a lot of interesting Facebook posts from Canadians saying Canadian butter is not easily spread, there are problems melting it, and how some butter goes mouldy!

Here is a Facebook post I found interesting:

I buy the salted butter from Costco and leave one in the cupboard, I never put butter in the fridge. Butter is always in the cupboard, summer or winter no matter the weather. it softens a bit and it doesn’t go moldy that fast …mind you butter doesn’t last long in my house. Butter just like farm fresh eggs, they do not require to be in the fridge. Superstore no name butter is pretty good, save on foods no name butter is good too. It’s also very simple to make your own butter. I also freeze butter to every time I go I buy 2-3 and freeze it.

Butter spreading and melting quality changes are because of palm oil being fed to cows!   I found this article quite interesting:

I will try Kerrygold and see how different the taste is.  

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cruise ships and the Lions Gate Bridge





The larger ships go under the bridge at low tide

The man who decided to bungee jump on a Holland America ship:

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (REUTERS) — A man was charged with criminal mischief Monday after he attempted, unsuccessfully, to bungee jump from a Vancouver bridge to the deck of a passing cruise ship.

William Dean Sullivan miscalculated the ship’s speed and suffered minor head injuries Sunday when he bounced off the ship’s tennis court, volleyball net and a deck railing before being left dangling in mid-air as the ship sailed away, Vancouver police said.

Police said Sullivan planned to bungee jump from the Lions Gate Bridge, which spans the entrance to Vancouver harbor, stopping just above the passing ship so he could then lower himself a short distance to the deck.

“There were shrieks of horror from down below — I guess the people saw him coming, you know, on the ship. I guess he missed,” witness Kate Hill told the Vancouver Sun newspaper.

After failing to land on the ship, Sullivan, of Nanaimo, British Columbia, rappelled himself down to the water where he was rescued by a passing water taxi, which turned him over for arrest, according to police.

Sullivan’s motive remained unknown, although his friends told local media he was an aspiring stuntman. Sullivan was released on bail Monday on the condition he promise not to attempt any more jumps pending a trial.

A police spokesman said they were taking the incident seriously because of the danger it posed.

“The individual himself could have been killed,” Det. Scott Driemel said.

I found it on You Tube!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Aurora Borealis

The aurora came to Vancouver in May and I was fortunate enough to see them at Crescent Beach.  I follow the Aurora app and it sends me messages.  I got a message yesterday.  Last night they should have be visible in Vancouver.  My neighbour who follows aurora too told me they were visible in Paris last night!  

This is from Chris Hatfield:

This is from NOAA:   

EXTENDED WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 5 expected
Extension to Serial Number: 1924
Valid From: 2024 Sep 12 0419 UTC
Now Valid Until: 2024 Sep 13 1200 UTC
Warning Condition: Persistence
Issue Time: 2024 Sep 13 0529 UTC

I waited up until midnight.  Unfortunately clouds have appeared and I can't find anything at my home.  Last May they were right over our house.  It appears they did not come this far south, but there is always the hope!  

It's a great hobby and I really enjoy it.   I've been hoping for the sight of them in Alaska, but every trip I've taken, they've never been active.  I look forward to the pictures other enthusiasts post showing the lights in their area. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Bear came home!

After a week away, a neighbour two doors away found Bear!  We've searched this complex with a cat sniffing dog and he wasn't here.  I have no idea where he was but he is sure hungry.  He's happy to be home and it will be interesting if he ever bolts out again.

When Cheryl's inside cat Persephone was a kitten at Thanksgiving when she had the door a crack open to cool the house down from all the cooking, Persephone went out.  Everyone at dinner went out and we saw her.  She kept running away from us.  The next morning Dave found her and again, she ran from him.  They kept the door open, she came back in by herself and never went outside again.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It's been a week......


This is Bear.  He belonged to Richard's daughter-in-law until they got Charlie the dog.  Charlie is a lovely dog but he didn't get along with Bear.  Bear was an inside/outside cat that wouldn't come in after Charlie arrived.

Grandpa to the rescue.  He took Bear in and loved him for over three years.  Bear never wanted out and was happy with the love and attention he was getting from Richard.  The grandsons would come over and visit their old cat.

I'm not sure how old Bear is, but he's 10 or 11 or perhaps older.  Last Wednesday night, Bear bolted out the screen door.  He's been seen twice but not by us, by our neighbours.  I posted pictures on neighbourhood Facebook pages.   We've searched and called and shaken the treats but so far no Bear.

I wonder if Bear has decided to go back to his old house in Ocean Park?  The kids are all looking out for him,  We hope he shows up!   

Monday, September 9, 2024

Family brunch at Brodeur's Bistro

This car was in the parking garage!

Cheryl, Dave, Lexie and Sid took us for Sunday Brunch at this Bistro as a thank you for cat sitting when they went on their Alaska cruise.  What a fabulous place!  It was originally located in Abbotsford but the location was too small and they moved to Langley.  The restaurant serves a blend of Montreal and New Orleans cuisine!  

We started out with the crispy pita and dip.  The dip was warm and very cheesy!  It was delicious.  Lexie, Cheryl and I had the Vegetarian Garden Pita.  Cec had the Rueben and Sid ordered a Pierre’s Cuban - Montreal Smoked Meat that had chicken, bacon, Swiss cheese, tomatoes & Chipotle Heat Sauce.  The sandwiches and pita come with your choice of 22 sides!  Sid and Lexie chose mac & cheese as their side and they both took it home as after eating the huge sandwich, they couldn't eat any more!  Cheryl ordered the tomato soup, Cec had the shrimp and seafood chowder and both Dave and I had the Memphis crunch salad as our sides.  

Dave ordered the Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich:

Now that's a sandwich!   You can get it in four sizes and this isn't the biggest!  The menu is amazing and if you are looking for a nice lunch at a lovely new restaurant:

Saturday, September 7, 2024

One man's opinion

I always enjoy reading everyone's opinion.  I don't always agree but I try to see their view.  I don't like the way Canada is being divided like the US.  If you don't agree with someone, don't try to change their opinion, just agree to disagree.  

This Canadian has a valiant way to get his point across:

To all you Maple MAGA Convoy fucks, listen up: this is our flag 🇨🇦—it was never yours, and it never will be. You can wave it all you want, but you will never redefine what it stands for.

My Canada is a place of unity, not division. Of strength, not weakness. Of inclusion, not exclusion. This country was built by people from every corner of the globe, adding their stories to the rich tapestry that makes us who we are. We don’t fear our differences—we celebrate them. That’s what makes us Canadian.

The real strength of Canada isn’t found in hatred, nor in fear, nor in the small-minded, short-sighted bullshit you’ve been peddling. It’s in the compassion of our people, the power of our unity, and the shared belief that everyone—no matter where they come from—deserves dignity, respect, and a fair shot.

This country stands tall because of our commitment to care for one another. That’s why we have universal healthcare—because we know that health shouldn’t be a privilege for the wealthy but a right for all. This is the legacy of leaders like Tommy Douglas, a legacy of compassion and fairness that defines our Canada. We take care of our own because that’s what true strength looks like.

And our greatness isn’t just in how we care for each other. It’s enshrined in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a beacon of justice, equality, and liberty for all. It’s a reminder that democracy isn’t just a word we throw around—it’s a promise we live every day. It’s the belief that every voice matters and every vote counts.

But let’s be clear: our flag, once a symbol of unity and hope, has been hijacked. You took something sacred and tried to twist it into a banner for your hatred, your division, your toxic agenda. You turned it into a symbol for a movement that sought to undermine the very freedoms it claimed to protect.

But Canada is bigger than that. We’re reclaiming our flag. We are the ones who will decide what it stands for. It represents us—the people who built this country with their bare hands, the people who sacrificed so future generations could stand tall in a land of peace, justice, and opportunity. It represents the rights we all share, and the responsibilities we hold to one another.

And don’t think for a second that you define what it means to be Canadian. The convoy doesn’t define us. The hate doesn’t define us. The division doesn’t define us. We define Canada.

This flag stands for inclusion. It stands for justice. It stands for equality. It waves for every single person who has ever called this country home, for every person who has ever sought refuge here, and for every person who has fought to make Canada a place of peace.

We are taking our flag back because Canada is, and always will be, a country of hope. A country where we believe in the best of humanity, not the worst. Where we strive, every day, to be better, to be kinder, to be more just. We are a peaceful people, but don’t mistake our peace for weakness. We are united by our belief in the power of togetherness, and we will always fight for what is right.

Our flag isn’t yours to tarnish with your hate. It belongs to all of us who believe in a Canada that stands for fairness, for compassion, for the dignity of all people. This is our Canada, and we will fight like hell to keep it that way.

So wave your flag all you want—it’ll never stand for your small-minded bullshit. We’re taking it back, and we’re doing it with pride. Canada is ours, and it will always be a beacon of hope, of peace, of unity, and of strength.

Friday, September 6, 2024

A Poem for Seniors

Another year has passed and we're all a little older,

Last summer sure felt hotter and winter seems much colder.

There was a time not long ago when life was quite a blast

Now I fully understand about "living in the past".

We used to go weddings, football games and lunches.

Now we go to funeral homes and after-funeral brunches.

We used to go out dining and couldn't get our fill.

Now we ask for doggie bags, come home and take our pill.

We used to often travel to places near and far.

Now we get sore asses from riding in the car.

We used to go to nightclubs and drink a little booze.

Now we stay home at night and watch the evening news.

That, my friend, is now life is and now my tale is told.

So enjoy each day and live it up...

Before you're too damned old!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Take care of your passport!

A friend travelling in the UK had his passport when he boarded a flight in Belfast to Heathrow last Sunday.  He was connecting with a flight from Heathrow to Vancouver and when he went to board his flight home to Vancouver, his passport was gone!  

He put it in a pocket.  He either dropped it or it was pick pocketed!  As it never showed up at Lost and Found, I suspect it was taken.  Apparently they are "hot" items.  Who knew?

It was Sunday and Canada House in London closes for Canadian holidays, so he had to wait until Tuesday to get his replacement passport.   He booked a hotel a block from Canada House at Trafalgar Square and paid £265.00 a night!

If you need a replacement passport, it's like getting a new one.  You need 2 photographs and complete the passport application found online.  Everyone should have a copy of their passport, somewhere.  He had a copy on his phone!  The process time for a replacement passport can vary.  If you have your pictures, application completed and a copy of your original passport, it is possible to get a temporary passport faster.  He was able to get his temporary passport in one day, but would miss the flight to Vancouver so he waited for another day.  

What did this cost my friend?  $415.00 for the passport, £245.00 X 3 for the hotel and if his ticket was restricted, a one way air ticket from Heathrow to Vancouver and two days lost wages!   

If you are travelling, always keep your passport in a secure spot.  Make sure you have a copy with someone at home, in your possession or both.  If you lose your passport, notify the closest Canadian embassy.  

If your passport is damaged, you may be refused to enter a country. 

What makes a passport damaged? Normal "wear and tear" such as folded pages or a small bend do not count as damage. Damage includes stains from a liquid, a significant tear, unofficial markings on the data page, missing visa pages (torn out), or a hole punch.

I keep my passport in a leather holder.  Along with my passport, I have my travel medical insurance card, my Nexus card and a business card so if it's found by a nice person, they will call me.  I have a copy of my passport at home and on my cell phone.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

US merchants and Canadian Debit/Credit cards

I read this on Facebook and it's been posted by many people who have had a problem:

I just want to let everyone know that when I went for diesel at Costco in Bellingham on Friday afternoon, after I finished my shipping (a cart full) and lined up to pay with my coast capital bank card and it was NOT ACCEPTED! I spoke with the Costco manager and she told me that Coast capital will not do business with Costco anymore and also my beloved Trader Joes. In a conversation with coast capital manager this morning, I was told that they don’t accept any retailer that uses a swipe instead of a chip, that is standard practise in Canada because they are finding so much fraud with the swipe. He said possibly Costco will change to chip devices. I advised him that Costco just got ALL NEW devices two weeks ago and they are all swipe, so he shouldn’t hold his breath. My point to Coast Capital was “. Why in the world did you not use your best practise customer service skills and let everyone in the lower mainland know?? An email would have been one click of the button and I could’ve prepared.” I told him that I was declined at the till at Costco and TJs and it was a waste of my time, it was embarrassing because I certainly have enough 💰💰💰💰💰 in my account. I also advised him that Costco USA used to take MC and coast capital had visa but now Costco has Visa and coast capital has changed to MC.

I use my Costco MasterCard with no problems at Bellingham Costco. The Costco card also has my Costco membership attached, so it makes it much easier to use one card.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Stevie Cameron

Stevie Cameron was an investigative journalist.  I hadn't heard of her until she released her book "On the Take".  It was a story about the Mulroney years.  I got the book day it was released and I had trouble putting it down.  I remember thinking to myself "she is going to get sued for the accusations she made against our former prime minister".  

I remember reading it at my hair dresser, under the dryer.  That was a long time ago and I was so shocked and upset, I slammed it shut and never finished it.  I waited for the law suits; they never happened.  Stevie Cameron was an investigative journalist who obviously got it right!  It should still be in the library if you want to read it.  I gave my copy away to another Conservative friend.

She continued to write a lot of other books including "On the Farm", the tragic story of the murders of women taken from the Vancouver downtown east side to Willie Pickton's pig farm in Port Coquitlam.

Stevie Cameron's credentials also included working as a contributing editor of Maclean's magazine from 1993 to 2001.  She was also the host of The Fifth Estate on CBC in the early 1990's.  In 2012 she was awarded the Order of Canada.

Stevie Cameron passed away in Toronto last Saturday.  She was 80 years old.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

It's a boy!!!!

It's a brother for Miss Vyvyanne.  Richard and his buddies purchased another race horse.  He hasn't got a name yet, but I've submitted my favorites.  They didn't listen to me last time and I'm guessing they won't this time but it's fun.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hungry Eats

Pat told me about a restaurant her and Steve really like.  It's in Guildford Mall.  Yesterday we went to Guildford and had lunch.  It's a family owned restaurant and it's really good.  The prices are great and the service was excellent.  The chef even came around to make sure we were enjoying our lunch.

Cec had Salisbury steak and I had a chicken wrap.  Steve says the Liver and Onions are really good too!  So, if you are going to Guildford, try this restaurant.  It's across the mall by London Drugs.  It also has an outside entrance so it's open when the mall is closed.

Some great old pictures

Ernest Hemmingway in a Cuban bar The evacuation of Saigon Policemen inspect a lumber truck that smelled of alcohol during Prohibition in 192...